eFin Logbook for Recreational Tilefish Reporting          Harbor Light Software is here to support you

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eFin Logbook, Tilefish Reporting Support:

If you wish to use eFin Logbook for your Tilefish reporting tool and have questions, we offer 24x7 support and will work with you to get you up and running. Here are a few tips to get you started.

  • Make sure you have obtained a Tilefish permit and have created an account from NOAA Fisheries  Fish Online Portal.  
  • Download the app by searching for eFin Logbook in the Store on your device.
  • Watch the training videos below. These videos will walk you through each step to set up eFin on your device and begin reporting.
  • For more information about recreational tilefish reporting requirements, check out the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s FAQ guide.
  • Want to send us a question? Contact us here.



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